Meet Amy Fuller

Meet Braidy Lidington

Sauna Sessions Boosters

Fall into Wellness: 9 Tips To Stay Vibrant & Energised This Autumn

How To Do The Three-legged Dog

Reformer Pilates for Skiers and Snowboarders: Boost Your Winter Spo...

Lemon Bliss Balls

Instead of snacks potentially taking away from you having a healthy body and a healthy mindset, let’s get prepared! When that 3pm sugar craving hits, it important to have something nourishing to go to that you will also enjoy. 

Makes approx 20 balls 


• 200g raw...

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Raw Vegan Snickers Slice

This actually taste like a snickers bar and hard to believe it is vegan and filled with nourishing ingredients. I have no met a person who doesn’t think it’s delicious. I find it a extremely satiating treat and fun to make on a free afternoon. #madewithlove

Let me know how yours turns...

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Steamed Broccoli


  1. Cut broccoli into 2-inch florets.
  2. Place in a bamboo steamer, layer another on top and place over a pan of boiling water
  3. Cover steamers with the bamboo lid until the broccoli is crisp-tender, 4 to 5 minutes.

That’s it! I don’t like to overcook mine as I usually use...

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Vegan Moussaka

Traditionally this Greek dish is made with meat, this my vegetarian/vegan version!
I make this as food prep with a bit of rice or extra greens. My boyfriend loves it too! 

It's nice to have those easy, nutritious, cost effective recipes available that help you consume a wider...

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